M&S Used Goods & Resales

“M&S Used Goods & Resales” as white text on mauve background

Myrtle & Seth Price: sellers of vintage electronics components, collectible phonograph records and other obscure finds.

Where we sell

Local pickup in Clarksburg, West Virginia, United States is available for all items.


In most (if not all) of the United States, people can sell a certain amount of tangible personal property as a “casual seller”, voiding the need to register a business. In the City of Clarksburg, West Virginia, the limit is three separate yard sales per tax year, or $500 in revenue. We’re not sure whether anyone actually enforces this ordinance, but we’re not willing to take the risk. No American Dream lift-me-up story here, just unimaginative tax workarounds.


e-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +1 (304) 623-4000